Time is money? or Time is more than money??

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Time is common word. But when you think about to spend it, then it is very easy. There are many ways to spend time. But don't forget about goal in your life, the more you spend time goal looks impossible for you. Because if you plan properly then you can achieve goal in short time of period. If you don't know how to manage time then you are wasting lots of money too.

Take example the thing you actually want to learn at that time but you wont learned. So you have to invest other time in learning this things. Lets talk about exam. How to get good marks in exam? You may thing that i suggest you to study hard.. Right??? No actually you don't want to study that much hard if you attend each and every lecture properly and also completed homework/ revision on time. So you wont miss any concept. If you already know that concept then just read things related with this topic and it will be done...

So simple utilize your right time in right thing. Does not matter if you playing video games to relax your self (Research says that limited game-play can improve your technical thinking). But there is some limit to play video games too. Some people i saw they keep playing video games even they are not willing to relax (i am not talking about those who want to make carrier in game field). Those people who don't want to make carrier in game field then excessive gaming is just spending of time.

If you know don't know how to utilize time properly then you know what to do... the solution is Time Management. If you believe it or not but Time Management is very important in your life. If you want success, growth in your life then Time Management is important for you. What is Time Management? It is nothing but the simple plan where you do things as per the time table and priority. If you are willing to manage your time then it might be difficult at the beginning but after some experience it become easier for you.

Time is Money? what you say? Time is not money because you cant buy time in exchange of money. Simply you should manage your time in right thing so in future you will get good returns and benefits.

So Time is Money???
No! Time is not Money!!
Time is more than Money!!!!
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