Are you Living or SURVIVING???

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Well before start discussion on "Are you Living or SURVIVING???" topic. Lets take a look at our current lifestyle.

We come into this world from that moment our parents start thinking about our future. In other words they start dreaming about your role.
And from that thinking child have to grow and it does not matter when you are child. But when you become teen then your parents start applying some rules on you which is also good for you. Then if you stand up and start earning by your own but this happens very rarely. If your family taking all your decisions then you may not get chance to grow. Sometimes it happen that do the job and earn money but as per parents direction and which pull you back from your talents and if you have to adjust a lot while working which may lead to Survival.

But the problem start with education if you interested particular filed go through it. If you like something else but you are working in different filed its ok. But if you have to adjust yourself to stay with current job, then you are surviving... 

If you want improvement in yourself then become survival otherwise it is worthless for you. Because surviving life is not easy. Living life and Surviving life both are different things. Surviving is good but most of real life moment you have to sacrifice. If you want to become rich, stronger, powerful in your life then you must choose surviving lifestyle. Living life is easy rather than surviving where you don't need to take lots of risk. But living this kind of life may lead low income, power, growth...

If you are thinking that what is good for your life then i recommend you to go with Surviving lifestyle at beginning and after certain period of time move yourself into Living lifestyle. This help you to maintain all things proper in your life.
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