Best Programming DP for whatsapp / hike! (Part-1)

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Here are some cool dp / profile picture for you whatsapp, hike etc.

1. #include <YouInMyLife.h> Because You are important To Run/Execute my Life.

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Are you Thinking to start Learning Programming???

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If you are thinking to start learning Programming, Then you must have basic knowledge of computer and its functionality like how ram/hard disk stores data, how internet works etc. Because programming is not that much simple, it is like maths. In maths you have to keep doing practice same thing come here. But the first thing is why need to learn programming?
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Graduation is Enough for Good Job???

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Graduation is very important now a days if you want good job. But if have your own business or something like that then also i recommend that study till graduation. Because today the highest priority goes to the Post-Graduation/Masters people. So if you want to earn more $$$ without struggling then Post-Graduation/Masters is very important for you. Otherwise you must have good skills till you get graduate.
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Time is money? or Time is more than money??

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Time is common word. But when you think about to spend it, then it is very easy. There are many ways to spend time. But don't forget about goal in your life, the more you spend time goal looks impossible for you. Because if you plan properly then you can achieve goal in short time of period. If you don't know how to manage time then you are wasting lots of money too.

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Are you Living or SURVIVING???

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Well before start discussion on "Are you Living or SURVIVING???" topic. Lets take a look at our current lifestyle.

We come into this world from that moment our parents start thinking about our future. In other words they start dreaming about your role.
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Welcome to new Blog!! :D

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This is my new blog and i hope it brings me to NEXT LEVEL  :)

In my busy schedule i want to give something which may help someone. This all start with one simple idea. Of-course without an idea you cant do anything. So simple i am just finding another way to earn money. So i was thinking to change job also finding another source of income, because without money we cant live in this current world. But finally something i found on internet which leads me to create this blog.
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